Once you select us to obtain your home loan, you'll be amazed at how quickly and simply the loan process moves. Before you know it, you'll have a mortgage that suits your lifestyle and saves you money.
Throughout the loan-application process, we provide you with regular updates. You can also contact us with questions or new information.
Here's an overview of the loan process:
STEP ONE -- Apply now! Getting started is easy.
The first step is to complete your loan application, which can be done easily through our website or over the phone. Once we've received your application we'll let you know exactly what documentation is required.
STEP TWO -- Preliminary loan disclosures are issued.
You'll receive preliminary loan disclosures which are for your information and protection and are non-binding. Please sign these at your earliest convenience to keep the process moving forward.
At the appropriate time, the appraisal report will be ordered if required.
STEP THREE - Your loan is submitted for formal approval.
Once we have a complete loan package we will submit to the lender for formal approval. Once reviewed, they'll issue their conditional loan approval. At that time we'll know if any conditions are required prior to issuing final loan approval. Once final loan approval is received, loan documents will be issued.
STEP FOUR - Your loan documents are issued.
The lender will send the final loan documents to escrow. Escrow will prepare them for your signature and contact you to schedule a convenient signing time.
STEP FIVE - Funding and Recording.
Depending on the county, this is typcially a 2 day process. Once the lender has received your signed document package they will work
to fund your loan. Escrow and Title will then record and close your transaction.